Mens Wellness

One hundred fifty-seven men participated in a study in Vietnam evaluating the possible benefits of Crila® for Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH) symptoms such as urinary discomfort, stream and frequency issues. The results from the study were very favorable with 89% of the men studied feeling relief from discomfort and frequency of urination. (See Clinical Study of Crila® for Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia - (BPH)). The Vietnamese Ministry of Health approved the use of Crila® in 2005. Read More...

First Time Available Outside of Vietnam
For centuries in Vietnam Crinum latifolium has been prized for its positive health properties. Known as the “Herb from the King’s Palace”, Crinum was reserved for the exclusive use of the Royal family because it was rare. Dr. Nguyen Thi Ngoc Tram made Crinum latifolium research her life’s passion and she successfully encapsulated the beneficial properties of Crinum latifolium as Crila® products. This amazing herbal supplement is now exclusively sold under the trade name Crila®. Crila Health, this website, or an authorized affiliate of Crila Health Pte. Ltd., is the only guaranteed source of  Dr. Tram’s genuine Crila® . Read More...

Safe and Effective
Crila® is a safe, exclusive, effective herbal supplement which supports, promotes and maintains a healthy prostate. Crila® has scientific studies showing beneficial results for men, is approved by the Ministry of Health and has been in use in Vietnam since 2005. Read More...

Organic and Quality Controlled from Plant to Factory to You
Crila® is grown and manufactured under strict conditions to ensure consistent quality and purity. Safety and security procedures are followed at every stage, from growing the plants in organic, pesticide-free fields to the final processing and packaging - all within the international requirements of Good Manufacturing  Practice (GMP), Good Laboratory Practice (GLP), Good Agricultural and Collection Practices (GACP) and Good Storage Practice (GSP) guidelines as issued by the World Health Organization (WHO). Read More...