
Testimonials Crila® for Prostate Health

Ken Malik Founder and Executive Director
"After taking therapeutic daily doses (based on label suggestions on weight) for 2 1/2 months I notice my nocturnal visits to urinate have been greatly reduced. Everyone's physiology is slightly different so I am not surprised it took this long to see results. For years I have been getting up in the middle of the night every 3 hours or so and I have gotten very used to this pattern. Sleeping through the night without getting up had been an extremely rare occurrence. I now notice that I am sleeping thru the night more than half the time and when I do get up to urinate it is only once per night. I can only attribute this change in urination habits to using Crila®. " Ken Malik

Eric, Australia

"My name is Eric Polson of Dubbo, New South Wales, Australia. I am 56 years old and have advanced prostate cancer. One night while looking for a miracle, or magic pill, I stumbled upon the website www.crilahealth.com. What I read about Crila® was too good to be true. So I took the gamble and purchased four bottles of the product, and I'm glad I did. So far this herb has done wonders for me, and it has worked ever so fast. When I ordered the Crila®for Prostate from Vietnam, it took only 10 days to arrive at my home in Australia. I checked the weight chart and started taking 9 capsules a day on the 2nd May 2011. Within four days all my symptoms had gone. Before that, I had pain, stinging, dribbles. I had to go to the toilet at all times of the day and night, and could only pee a few drops at a time. It was so bad that even when I put petrol in my car, I had to rush off to the loo within the first few moments of starting to pump the gas. Only to return to the loo several times before finishing the job. And my erection problems were worse. My cancer and my prostate were in control of my life, not me! I'm into day nine now, and it feels great. I'm in control of my water works for once! I have tried a number of herbs, and spices available here in Australia, but to no avail. Most have worked in one way or another, but they didn't clear up all my debilitating problems, and symptoms all at once like Crila® did. None of them has worked as well, or as fast as this herb Crila® has. From my point of view only, with the brief home trial I've had so far using 9 Crila® a day, I feel it is the miracle I've been looking for. I would recommend to all prostate suffers to really think about trying this herb, even if you have advanced prostate cancer, and all the other painful problems associated with your prostate. It’s worth a go.. This herb Crila® just might surprise you as it has done to me. I even wrote to Ken Malik at the Prostate Awareness Foundation in San Francisco because I know he wants to know more men who had good results with Crila®. I'm hoping Crila® will help me to fight this cancer without going through a radical prostatectomy, and I will keep you informed about my case. I told the Crila® people they could use my testimonial only if they would give everyone my contact details, so you can check with me and know it is the truth. These are my words, and this is my story. I am Eric Polson of Dubbo, New South Wales, Australia and my email is convertable@tadaust.org.au"

Doug J., S. Carolina

"(W)anted to give you an update on my use of Crila®. I have been taking the load phase now since Jan. 4th 2011 , till April 4th 2011, that is 90 days of the load phase, and now I have cut back to 3 capsules a day from the 7 capsules a day I was taking in the load phase, I have improved to the point that I was not experiencing any more improvements so I cut back to 3 a day, however I do believe that the Crila® has helped me considerably, as I do not get up in the night to urinate, and I do have a more calmer bladder than before, so I must tell you that I am very pleased with the results, I think that I have achieved the best I can get with your product, perhaps I could try another load phase later, anyway I would like to order another 3 bottles of Crila® so I don't run out. " Doug J. (61), South Carolina.

Ralph N. , California

"I began taking saw palmetto over 10 years ago when I was 53, but wasn’t satisfied with the results. My prostate was enlarged and I had to get up several times a night to use the bathroom. When I was 64, a friend recommended Crila®. Within a month I noticed improvement, and after 3 months my prostate size went back to normal, and I could sleep through the night. Both my wife and I appreciate that very much. I think Crila® helps me to sleep, but my wife says it’s because I don’t have to get up to use the bathroom so I’m getting a good night’s sleep. Also, you don’t have to take Crila® for the rest of your life. After my prostate was back to normal, for the last 1 ½ years I’ve just taken 2 Crila® capsules a day to maintain these benefits. I’ve experienced no negative side effects and have recommended Crila® to several friends. In fact, I liked it so much that I invested in the company.” Ralph N., Santa Cruz, Calif.

Ernest D., Maryland

"I had BPH for 15 years and I tried many different herbs to treat the prostate. In the beginning, saw palmetto worked for a few years, but as my prostate got worse, I tried other herbs and prescription medicine (Avodart), but did not work well. Finally, I found that a combination of herbs Saw Palmetto, Flower pollen extract and some herbs from India (prostacare) work very well for me. These herbs only treat the symptoms. When I read that Crila® for Prostate shrink the prostate I decided to try it. I discontinued all the other herbs and I tried Crila® for Prostate by itself for one month. Crila® for Prostate was less effective than the combination of herbs I was taking before; the urine flow was diminished and urgency decreased but not to the extent of the herbs I had been taking. I also noticed that my blood pressure has improved (lowered) since taking Crila® for Prostate. As of now, it is working well. My hope is that the herbs are treating the symptoms while Crila® for Prostate is shrinking the prostate gland. I assume it will take some time. In three months I will be going to the doctor and I will let you know." Ernest D. (64), Maryland.

Harry A., Hawaii:

“If only one line used: I’d like to thank Dr. Tram for her marvelous research and development of Crila…that has solved my prostate problem…and improved my overall health, well-being and quality of life.”) “This letter is to certify that Nguyen Thi Ngoc Tram PhD, developer of Crinum Latifolium L and Crila® medicine, has positively influenced my health and quality of life. I'm 72 years old and have had an enlarged prostate for over 45 years. With each passing year, my prostate health was reduced to the point where urination became a major problem. Pain, burning, and frequency were common and I would have to wake regularly 3-5 times at night to go, without feeling completely satisfied. Pushing and straining due to a weak and inconsistent stream, sexual dysfunction, and loss of urge also became an issue. Over the years, I had tried over 100 types of prostate pills and supplements, spending over USD$3000, without success. However, in November 2009, I read about Crinum Latifolium L. and Crila® medicine. They offered a new hope and I was eager to try Crila®. After taking eight (8) capsules a day, for two weeks, I began to get positive results as the flow became stronger and more regular. In four weeks, I could sleep better and for longer periods of time. Now, after eight weeks, I can feel that my body has returned to a normal and I can sleep through the entire night and wake completely rested. I'd like to thank Dr. Tram for her marvelous research and development of Crila® medicine that has completely solved my prostate problem, increased my prostate health, and improved my overall health, well-being, and quality of life.” Harry A - Hawaii

Henrik E.(37), Sweden
" I am a 37 year old Swedish man, who has suffered with prostate problems for many years. My family has a history of prostate problems. My symptoms were increasing with greater severity, and I had no relief after trying several treatments over the years. I have tried many of the traditional herbs that are used to decrease prostate enlargement, without much effect, including general anti-inflammatory and immune supporting herbs/vitamins and health-products. I also tried several products for urinary health, assuming I had a bladder/urine passage problem. It was only recently that my condition was diagnosed as Prostatitis, and only recently that I discovered Crila®. I might have tried other products after discovering what my real problem was, but after reading about Dr. Tram and her extensive research, I decided to try Crila® because it is natural, organic, and seems to have an excellent history of good results for men. My initial results were great! I noticed almost immediate improvement and relief within 4-6 days. Within the first month I experienced less bladder pain, a reduction in the usual 3 bathroom visits per night to maybe 1, plus less frequent urination during the day, less general discomfort, combined with more energy! I am continuing the recommended Load Phase for another 60 days, so that I will have a full 90 days. I wrote to Dr. Tram and learned that during this Load Phase, I can increase my intake, up to 10 capsules per day, if I believe there is room for greater improvement. I have found that 8 capsules per day is working well for me. My results have been so good, that now my wife is considering to try Crila for Menopause.” Henrik E.(37), Sweden

Testimonials for Crila® for Menopause

Sheila M., Canada
"Prior to taking Crila®, I experienced 6 to 12 hot flashes a day, plus uncomfortable night sweats. I started taking Crila® to ease these symptoms and within 2 - 3 days my hot flashes disappeared and I was now sleeping through the night. Drinking red wine often triggered the hot flashes, however to my delight I found I could enjoy a glass of red wine, without tolerating the hot flashes. I was gradually able to decrease my daily dosage of Crila®, over the course of 1 year, and am no longer taking it. At the moment, I am symptom free. Crila® provided a wonderful relief and improved my quality of life. I am grateful. I can't say for sure if it was Crila®, it may be that I am no longer perimenopausal, but I am grateful just the same." Sheila M., Canada

Cool in California

“Our mutual friend Mannie Barling, who has written three books on natural products, natural healing, and living a healthy lifestyle, referred me to your fabulous product. He and his wife Ashley, a registered nurse, are at the forefront of new health information and I trust them with their recommendations. My husband Jeff and Manny were having lunch one afternoon, and the subject of my hot flashes came up. Image that!! He he! So when Mannysuggested that I should try Crila® for Menopause , I was more than willing. I was ready to try anything! At this point in my life, I want to enjoy and not be hassled with ridiculous symptoms that make me grouchy, miserable and plain uncomfortable. I was flashing constantly! About 5 times an hour during the day at work and wanted to rip my clothes off constantly. Much to my co-workers distress—haha! ☺ After using the Crila® for about 2 weeks the symptoms have disappeared! My husband has noticed! My co-workers have noticed! And most importantly I have noticed!"

Thanks Crila!!!
Cool in California”

Joanne – Pennsylvania

I was introduced to Crila® almost a year ago while in Vietnam. I am a breast cancer survivor on Tamoxifen – which can cause hot flashes – so that plus menopause is a double whammy. All else that I’ve tried has failed – black cohash and prescription drugs. Crila® has certainly improved the number of hot flashes that I have – practically none during the day and maybe one at night (if any) – It’s been great and my oncologist said it’s safe –


Shelly N., California

”I had already been through the menopause 8 years ago. My knee was recently fractured in a fall which required surgery to repair. Following the surgery, I began experiencing severe hot flashes as though I was going through the menopause all over again. I have since learned the hot flashes can resume in post-menopausal women following general anesthesia. The night sweats were horrible, head to toe, and I had hot flashes throughout the day. It would be worse if I had any alcohol to drink, especially red wine or tequila, my two favorites! Because my husband had taken Crila® and it worked so well for him, I knew there was a version of Crila® for women that helped menopausal symptoms. So I tried Crila® for Menopause, following the recommended dosage according to my weight. Within 2 days my symptoms started to decrease. By the end of 2 weeks, I reduced my dosage and now take approximately half the recommended dose on a daily basis. If I’m going to go out, or drink alcohol, I increase my dose. My symptoms have essentially disappeared. If I don’t remember to take my Crila® then the hot flashes return. I am really pleased that I no longer have to change my pajamas in the middle of the night, and I’m very thankful that I was able to solve my problem with a natural product. My husband was so impressed with Crila® that we invested in the company, but I never thought it would help me, too. Crila® terrific!” Shelley N., Santa Cruz, CA

Patti B., California

“Crila® changed my life! I'm in my early fifties and had regular hot flashes and night sweats. After only 7 days taking Crila®, my hot flashes were significantly reduced and the night sweats almost eliminated. I take 2 capsules of Crila® in the morning and 2 capsules in the afternoon and will add 2 capsules in the evening for more benefit. My adult acne has seemed to diminish also from this supplement and I just feel terrific! Crila® has changed my ‘change of life’ for the better. Even my husband notices the differences!!!"

Testmonials for Crila® for Uterine Health

Lula, California

"I am a 58 years young woman who has 3 small fibroids. I have had off and on bleeding for the past 5 years and have had numerous tests done throughout these past years to make sure nothing more than the fibroids were causing it. I do take hormones and have reduced one of them by a smidge. I had several scans to determine that there are three fibroids but they are small. I have taken the Crila® for 1 month now I believe it is the Crila® that is assisting. When I reduced the hormones I started bleeding but since the Crila®, none." Lula C., Roseville, CA

Collen D, Canada and Vietnam

“I can’t even count mine (hot flashes)…40 plus! After only a few days on Crila®, the night sweats and mood swings were much better and hot flashes reduced in intensity and number by 75% .Crila® has also been effective for my fibroid. I know my body and my abdomen has gone down about 2 inches.”

“I was having hot flashes 40 and up a day… most people can count their hot flashes. Some people said they have 7 to 10. I can’t even count mine, like I said, 40 plus!” After only a few days on Crila®, the night sweats and mood swings were much better and hot flashes had reduced in both intensity and number by 75%. “The hot flashes were the hardest to handle, and (Crila) was really effective in that, very effective." Colleen D